Certificado de Consultor sobre Sueño Materno e Infantil™ Componente Uno
Introducimos un enfoque holístico de sueño que comienza antes del nacimiento del bebé
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Certificado de Consultor en Maternidad y Sueño Infantil™
Somos pioneros en el Método Holístico que se basa en el enfoque de nuestra fundadora Mar De Carlo, autora del libro “Despertando a través del sueño”, en donde
se refiere al sueño como una función natural del cuerpo humano que no requiere de entrenamiento pero sí del abordaje de los elementos que pueden interferir en sus
ritmos naturales.
El Método Holístico de la Ciencia del Sueño (HSS por sus siglas en inglés), combina lo que nos dice la ciencia con las necesidades de cada persona o
familia y el medio ambiente que los rodea para poder dar una solución integral a los problemas de sueño.
No creemos en un enfoque o entrenamiento único y específico sino que buscamos lo que nuestra fundadora ha acuñado como “Optimización del Sueño” investigando
a fondo y abordando los desequilibrios que pueden existir en la función humana (física, mental y emocional) y en las fuerzas externas que puedan estar influyendo
(sociales, culturales, ambientales) y que conduzcan a experimentar problemas de sueño, y así, adaptarnos a las necesidades de cada familia y sus dinámicas.
Este método comienza a utilizarse durante el embarazo, se extiende a los niños pequeños, y se enfoca fuertemente en el bienestar físico y emocional de los padres
y/o cuidadores.
Damos soluciones naturales a los diferentes desafíos que pueden existir en estas etapas e invitamos a las familias o personas a que adopten un estilo de vida en el
que el sueño sea tomado como una parte fundamental para encontrar la armonía en sus vidas.
Mar dice: “Los cuerpos de nuestros niños no necesitan ser técnicamente entrenados para dormir. Por naturaleza, los cuerpos humanos ya están programados para dormir
y lo harán si apoyamos el proceso. Los niños pasan por varias etapas del desarrollo del sueño de manera similar a caminar, comer, hablar, etc. … y la mayoría de las veces influyen muchos factores de salud y estilo de vida, además de las expectativas poco realistas.”
Para obtener más detalles sobre nuestro curso, incluido el plan de estudios y el precio, visite: International Parenting Health Institute
Your Instructor
Mar De Carlo, founder and CEO, is a first generation Hispanic-American international entrepreneur, author, coach, speaker, curriculum developer, actress and mentor to parenting, health, fitness and lifestyle professionals. She has over 25 years of training and experience coaching groups and individuals from all walks of life to help them overcome a variety of health and business challenges. She has pioneered several successful training programs & international businesses.
She is the founder of:
- International Parenting & Health Institute
- Holistic Coach Education-Advanced Training for Holistic Professionals
- Holistic Science of Sleep Method
- Association of Professional Sleep Consultants
- International Academy of Baby Planner Professionals
- Business Sanctuary
- Physical Awakening – Registered Prenatal Yoga School with Yoga Alliance
She is an avid researcher and holistic educator with an abundance of training and experience in the health, fitness, parenting, business and expressive arts industries. She is known for her innovative curriculum development and creative, cutting edge and integrative approach connecting and bridging systems in a variety of industries across the globe that have transformed thousands of lives in 61 countries in 9 languages with high quality evidenced based holistic programs since 2009.
Mar’s extensive background and accomplishments are rich and diverse. She brings a wealth of talent as an International Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker, Artist, Holistic Educator, Curriculum Developer, Author, Health, Life & Business Coach, Baby Planner, Adult, Pregnancy and Child Sleep Coach, Dancer, Fitness Instructor, Personal Trainer, Yoga Instructor, Stress Management Coach, Singer, Actress and Mother with a multitude of certifications, training, management under her belt.
Having worked for many small and large companies directly with customers and behind the scenes in operations and management, Mar also educates and trains professionals to start, expand and grow businesses that transform lives through a unique holistic integrative approach which she introduced and pioneered to all the companies she has founded. This includes supporting professionals to personally develop and overcome challenges while accomplishing their business, personal and financial goals. Clients enjoy working with her because of her strong optimistic mindset, boundless energy, practical solutions and empowering holistic approach that has been proven effective and long term. Doctors, Naturopaths, Midwives, Nurses, Lactation Consultants, Behavioral Therapists are just a few examples of the many professionals, Mar has trained. In addition, she is also highly skilled with professional industry standards, scope and boundaries to practice and business mastery.
- Group Teaching Experience: 25 years
- Individual Coaching Experience: 25 years
- Research Experience: 20 years
- Work Experience: 38 years
The Birth of IPHI
“It was one courageous decision that completely changed my life on August 7 2009.
After arriving in Northern California, as a newly single first time mom with no friends or family close by, I made the decision to turn down a high profile client so I could remain securing my attachment with my daughter. I had $20 left in my bank account and was about to begin living off of credit cards until I figured things out.
The decision to turn down a high profile client led me to dig deep and find a way to provide for myself and my daughter without compromising my time away from her during such a challenging time.
Three days of immense trust, I began meditating and repeating to myself that in every challenge there is an opportunity. On the third day, I received an answer with a clear vision.
Little did I know my challenging personal journey would become my service and contribution to parents, children and professionals who work with them.
The tremendous amount of years I spent studying and training in several fields in addition to a wealth of experience I obtained, expanded to give birth to my International Parenting & Health Institute currently represented in 61 countries.”