Sleep expert Mar De Carlo provides hope for the 50 to 70 million adults who have sleep or wakefulness disorders with her book Awakening Through Sleep, a 40,000-word self-help guide to sleep education.
Sleep disturbances are common during pregnancy, and can be risk factors for a number of serious pregnancy-related sleep disorders. The threat, though, don’t end post birth. Child sleep challenges affect whole families, causing stress, loss of family connection, and trauma. It’s no surprise, then, that sleep deprivation costs $411 billion annually in the United States alone. In Awakening Through Sleep, Mar—founder of the International Parenting & Health Institute and Association of Professional Sleep Consultants—leads readers in understanding the key principles, thinking, and ideas that define a holistic approach to this devastating issue so they can lead enriching lives. Readers will finish the book understanding the roots, science, roadblocks, and benefits of such exploration, with a clear path for how to shape brilliant and bold futures.
Stylized with gentle encouragement designed to instruct and empower, Awakening Through Sleep will appeal to parents and soon-to-be parents; academics, including students; psychotherapists and mental health workers; and curious 21st-century thinkers. As COVID-19 has afforded people worldwide a moment of reflection (and, indeed, amplified the importance of self-care practices), now is an important time for this book.
As the first in the child sleep consultant industry to develop and launch a Holistic Adult and Child Sleep Certification program (2012), Mar specializes in training professionals on sleep education during pregnancy. Her program and approach have met success in 59 countries and are currently represented in 10 languages. She showcases her expertise through individual sessions, workshops, retreats, and speaking engagements, and has been featured and / or quoted in Good Morning America, Los Angeles Times, New York Post, Consumer Reports, MarketWatch, and many other outlets.
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