Welcome to Component Two

Welcome to our Advanced Component Two Maternity & Child Sleep Consultant Certification program.

In component two, you will be deepening your understanding of our holistic approach and our curriculum in our Maternity and Child Sleep Course through case studies and weekly conversations about those cases. Each week has an assignment to help you practice the skills you learned in component one.

To begin component two, you need to have completed component one through Module 8.

1. Please share a bit about yourself (also for those that attended today):

Your name

Where you are from

What brought you to our program

Why you are passionate about sleep 

What your understanding is of our holistic approach

What are you looking to get most out of component two

Where you feel you struggle most in case work so I can incorporate more support and tips. Is it confidence? Knowing where to begin? Application? etc.....

2. In Mar De Carlo's book, "Awakening Through Sleep" (attached), read the chapters, "Introduction", "Physical Awakening" and "Holistic Science of Sleep Method".

Please don't hesitate to let us know if you have any additional questions.

Complete and Continue